On the internet, old documents never die. a modern version of this is here
I've been affiliated with the Daedalus and MASH projects, and am finishing my work under the auspices of the Ninja project. My dissertation topic is A Framework for Heterogeneous Interface Adaptation and its Application to Universal Remote Control, advised by Prof. Randy H. Katz. Some of my current interests include:
I worked on a vectorized additive synthesis engine for the T0 vector microprocessor under the supervision of Prof. John Wawrzynek. The work was done in association with folks at CNMAT (the Center for New Music and Audio Technologies), an affiliate research lab of the Berkeley Music department.
Between grad school and undergrad, I had the pleasure of working on network games. I assisted with design and prototyping of "Strike-A-Match," a game from the coolest company in C'ville, Boxerjam Films & Productions. No, we absolutely *never* played network Doom (hey, this was '94) as "research." That would have been wrong.
My undergraduate work was in VLSI CAD, assisting Prof. Gabriel Robins at the University of Virginia.
A peripheral interest is Network Security and Cryptography. Machines get hacked all the time these days, so preventive maintenance (and knowing how to perform a decent post-op) is pretty crucial.